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How can I create a FREE Skills Matrix for Employee Development?

A skills matrix should provide a real-time overview of an organisations skills base. A skills matrix allows identification of specific training needs, including which training needs are a priority.

Without a skills matrix it is very difficult for an organisation to know which areas of training require improvement? By utilising a skills matrix, training and development is made far easier and effective. Additionally, with a Skills Matrix, the clear identification of training needs and skills gaps can significantly help with the recruitment process, whereby needs are better defined and more likely to result in the most appropriate candidate being selected.

*Download your FREE Excel Skills Matrix Template here*

No strings, just a really good Excel Template to manage the skills of your team or department.

If you can’t measure it,
you can’t manage it!

Peter Drucker

Benefits of a Skills Matrix

There are a variety of benefits from implementing a skills matrix, some of the benefits you can expect to achieve are outlined below:

  • Skills Gaps are instantly visible on the matrix, leading to more effective training and targeted development plans
  • Effective training, leads to reduced overall training and development costs
  • Real-time view of competency levels within a team, department or company (who has what skill and how does this align to the company’s requirement for such skill – do you have enough skill to meet the customer demand?)
  • Job roles and recruitment process become clearly defined
  • Employees and workforce experience an investment in their role and as such feel valued
  • Improved skills and knowledge growth as a result of visible training needs
  • Increased productivity as individuals have a clear understanding of their role and skills requirements.
  • Succession planning and career development become more transparent
  • Skills insights can be used to aid in successful internal selection / secondment
  • Customers receive an improved service or product
  • Helps to Identify and thus mitigate key person dependency

What happens if you don’t use a skills matrix?

As organisations grow and develop, its easy to see why so many teams and departments omit skills linked employee competency tracking. It can be a daunting thought when trying to understand what a team’s responsibilities are and then to overlap them against each individual’s proficiency. This is where the skills matrix is incredibly impactful – as a one-page visual grid of skills and individual’s competency, such as the one above, the process becomes incredibly easy and straight forward.

Without a skills matrix, you should expect...

  • Invalid and unreliable training plans

  • An inability to understand where there are skills shortages, or indeed opportunities

  • Training plans that don’t take a holistic view of an individual within a team, or department

  • Little or no alignment of training and development to organisational strategy and objectives

An example of a colour coded proficiency key to use on your Skills Matrix.

Proficiency Rating 4 = Advanced / Trainer Competency Level

Proficiency Rating 3 = Good Competency Level

Proficiency Rating 2 = Partial Competency Level

Proficiency Rating 1 = No current skill

How do I get started?

To build a successful Skills Matrix, you need three core things:

1. A list of all tasks within a team
2. A list of all individuals within a team
3. A rating / scoring system

Establishing all tasks completed within your team is the first step. Collate this from the following source:

1. Your checklists (quality control checklist, to-do checklists, step-by-step guides)
2. Your processes and procedure documents
3. Your daily planners

Ask each of the team members to provide a list of what they do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to ensure you don’t miss anything. Gathering this list is key and won’t take too much time.

Once you have all your tasks you then need to list out all of the people that reside in the team, or are responsible for completing the tasks.

Lastly you then need to rate each individual, against each task on a grid similar to that shown below. We recommend that you implement a heat map rating system from 1-4, such as that shown in this example.

*Download your FREE Skills Matrix
Spreadsheet Template* 

No strings, just a really good Excel Template to manage the skills of your team or department.

Continuous Improvement

It is imperative that once you have identified all of the skills within your team, you look to set training targets. These targets need to be assessed and update, ideally at fixed intervals to ensure that skills continue to grow and develop.

As skills develop on your matrix you will start to benefit from increase capacity. This capacity is created through reduced error rates, improved process speed and greater team efficiency (a broadened team capability). In essence, if a team of 10 is only half trained then you only have a team of 5 – improve the scope of skill and you increase the number of capable individuals, which collectively build capacity.

We are proud to be working with the following great partners in developing the world’s most efficient and value driven Competency Frameworks, Skills Matrix and Training Matrices.

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